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Maid of Thule
Maid of Thule B4 (also B1 and B7 at times)
Club: Unst, Baltasound
Designed, built and sailed initially by Duncan Sandison.
Inter-Club Sailing Details: Winner of the Memorial Cup and the International Paints Cup in1956, and the North Challenge Trophy in 1956 and 1958.
Note: The Maid of Thule was the first of the “Maid” class of boats that led to the unballasted designs of the late 1950’s and 1960’s. A cup winner in the 1950’s the Maid of Thule was a regular competitor at the Regatta until the early 1980’s.
Photographs, boat and crew details needed.
Maid of Thule sailing at the 1956 Inter-Club with a young Duncan Sandison at the helm.
Left: 1955, the new unballasted Maid of Thule is a stark contrast to the ballasted Sud Ayre.
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