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Betsy M4

Club: Mid Yell

Built by: __ Nicolson (Westing, Unst) for Henry Richard Smith of North-a-Voe

Sailed by: Pre-war by Charlie and Billy Smith then by Campbell Gray with Willie Huston and Addie Mann 

Inter-Club Sailing Details: Winner of the Memorial Cup in 1951 and 1953 and the International Paint Cups in 1953 in fore and aft rig.


Note: Betsy holds the distinction of being the first boat to capsize at an Inter-Club Regatta. The incident occurred in the North Harbour when Betsy, in trying to obtain advantage at the buoy, struck the mark. Her gunwale became trapped underneath a flange on the rigid buoy and over she went. In these early days boats did not carry buoyancy and the crew had no buoyancy aids. As Betsy sank non-swimmers Willie Huston and Addie Mann tried to climb up the mast. Willie succeeded but Addie was struggling to follow. Campbell Gray saved the day by passing Addie one of the oars to keep him afloat. Mercifully all were rescued and the boat was recovered from the seabed.


Photographs, boat and crew details needed.


Andy's Photos 013 (2).jpg
IC dinghies 11.08.19 041.JPG
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